
Apple operating system latest
Apple operating system latest

Safer than standard passwords, Passkeys are specific to each individual website or app account you create. In its quest to stop users from choosing ‘Password123’ as their security credential, Apple has developed Passkeys for macOS Ventura. Tab Groups also get their own start page and bookmarks list, plus the option to start Messages chats and FaceTime calls straight from Safari. So you can browse as one and get distracted together. Collaborating with colleagues? Planning with family members? Procrastinating with pals? Create a Tab Group and every member will be able to share websites, add tabs and see what others are looking at – all in real time. Chief among the changes is shared Tab Groups. MacOS Ventura will introduce a number of new tricks to Apple’s standard suite of programs, including Safari.

apple operating system latest

Social browsing with shared Tab Groups in Safari You’ll also be able to group windows together in the sidebar – handy for swapping between multi-app tasks in a jiffy.

apple operating system latest

One click will be all it takes to switch. The idea is to provide an instant overview of all the windows you’re working on, rather than layering them behind each other. Your main window will still be displayed front and centre, but other open app windows will now appear as thumbnails on the left of your display. Stage Manager – new for macOS Ventura – aims to streamline the art of multi-tasking.

apple operating system latest

Gestures might simplify app switching, but it remains all too easy to drown in windows.

Apple operating system latest